

Through education, we strive to meet the challenges of the modern world while preserving our language, culture and traditions. The youth today will be tomorrow’s leaders, building our future and contributing to our development as a nation.

Since the illegal Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1959, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and over 130,000 Tibetans have fled in search of political, religious, educational and other basic freedoms. Upon coming into exile, one of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s highest priorities was and continues to be providing care and education for Tibetan children, many of whom are orphaned or destitute. He believes that Tibetan youth are the main source of hope for a future free Tibet.

It is this understanding which has guided the Department of Education (DOE) since its inception in 1960.

One of the seven major departments of the Central Tibetan Administration, (Tibetan Government in exile) Dharamsala, India, the DOE is the apex body responsible for providing support for the educational and welfare needs of over 16,553 students in 64 Tibetan schools in India and Nepal. Comprised of both residential and day schools, they range from the pre-primary to the senior secondary level. In keeping with the needs of the time and an eye on a future free Tibet we set upon ourselves under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, certain objectives and defined the organizational functions that could help us meet those objectives.



  1. To oversee the educational needs and welfare of the Tibetan children in exile.
  2. To provide primary education for every Tibetan refugee child in order to achieve 100% literacy among the Tibetan refugee community.
  3. To inculcate values of personal integrity and universal responsibility.
  4. To develop modern scientific and technical education and skills, while preserving and promoting Tibetan language and culture.
  5. To address human resource requirements of the Tibetan community in exile and a future free Tibet.

Organizational Functions

Organizational Functions

To provide our young people with adequate care, appropriate educational foundation and opportunity for higher study, the DOE continually assesses the educational and human resource requirements of our communities in exile. According to these needs, the DOE performs a wide variety of functions. Such functions include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Providing administrative guidance in overseeing schools.
  2. Coordinating Sponsorship and Scholarship programs.
  3. Coordinating Scholarship programs.
  4. Creating new schools, teacher training centers and institutions while improving existing ones.
  5. Recruiting teachers and arranging in-service training for them.
  6. Running an employment and placement bureau.
  7. Continual research, planning and development.
  8. Reviewing and supplying text books and other required resource materials.
  9. Providing necessary buildings and constructions.
  10. Raising and appropriating funds.

Organization Structure

Organization Structure

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