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Education Kalon Congratulates Tibetan Schools for Outstanding Class XII Board Performance

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Dharamshala: Kalon (Minister) Tharlam Dolma Changra of the Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration, in her

congratulatory message, commended Tibetan schools that are formerly under the Central Tibetan Schools Administration for their outstanding class XII results in the examination conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

In her congratulatory address, Education Kalon extended her heartfelt appreciation towards the Tibetan schools now under the management of the Sambhota Tibetan School’s Society (STSS) for their exemplary performance on behalf of the Education Department. Kalon attributed this success to the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the concerted efforts of principals, teachers, parents, and, most of all, the students, along with the crucial support provided by the Department of Education and the Sambhota Tibetan School’s Society. Kalon encouraged all stakeholders to persist in their dedication to excellence.

Additionally, Kalon stressed His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s constant advice on promoting human values and emphasised the development of inner qualities alongside academic performance. Kalon further highlighted that genuine success encompasses not only intellectual prowess but also ethical conduct and a profound sense of universal responsibility. She deemed these values as essential for any personal progress and social well-being. 

Expanding her felicitations, Kalon Tharlam Dolma extended congratulations to all other Tibetan schools for their outstanding performances in this year’s board examinations.

Tibetan Schools Achieve Remarkable Results in CBSE Board Examinations
Education Kalon Tharlam Dolma Changra Visits TCV Menlha and TCV Agling