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Department of Education Commences BEP and NEP Workshop for Teachers


Mundgod: The Department of Education, CTA is organising a 3-day Basic Education Policy (BEP) and National Education Policy (NEP) Workshop for Teachers from June 17 – 19, 2024, at Gaden Shartse Guest House in Mundgod.

The workshop saw an active participation from 42 teachers from three STSS schools and three monastic schools from Mundgod. Dr. Kalsang Wangdu, Education Specialist, and Tenzin Dorjee, Head of Academic Section, Department of Education, were the key facilitators of the workshop.

The inaugural workshop program commenced at 9:00 am on 17 June in the presence of Mr. Namgyal Yemphel, Principal and Mr. Tenzin Dakpa, Rector of STS Mundgod, two facilitators and the participants. 

To begin with, Principal Namgyal Yemphel offered a ceremonial scarf to welcome the two facilitators, followed by a speech to the participants. He reminded the participants that the first student in the school is the Principal, and the second is the Teacher. Hence, principals and teachers must continue their studies and maintain uninterrupted professional development. He stressed the need to implement the new ideas and principles of education learnt from the workshop through various methods and strategies in the classroom after returning to school. Mr. Tenzin Dorjee then introduced the participants to the workshop’s content and objectives.

Over the three days, participants will delve into discussions, reflections, and learning activities centred around the meaning and goals of education by BEP 2004 and NEP 2020. Crucial topics such as ECCE, classroom teaching and learning, assessment, language, and continuous professional development of teachers will be explored during the sessions through various group activities to enhance participant engagement throughout the workshop.

A smooth workshop organisation was made possible through the coordination and support of staff from STS Mundgod led by the Principal. The workshop was generously funded by DANIDA.

A participant teacher sharing her views.

Dr. Kalsang Wangdu facilitating workshop session.

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