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Education Department Kicks Off ‘Unlocking Potential: Excellence Scholars Program’ with Virtual Session

Dharamshala: The Scholarship Section of the Department of Education (DoE) hosted a virtual session on 8 February 2025 for the first 24 Excellence Scholarship recipients from the 2023 cohort, selected under the new scholarship scheme introduced that year. This session was a part of the pilot initiative titled “DoE’s Unlocking Potential: Excellence Scholars Program (ESP).”

The session began with an introductory remark from the Head of the Scholarship Section, who highlighted the program’s holistic support system and encouraged students to actively participate in mentoring—both as mentors and mentees—to foster guidance and uplift the Tibetan youth. 

Following the introduction, an overview presentation on ESP was delivered, followed by an engaging Q&A session with the scholarship recipients. 

At DoE’s invitation, Tibetan Scholarship Program Alumni Association (TSPAA) shared valuable insights on the Tibetan Scholarship Program (TSP), confidence-building, networking, internship opportunities, and academic transitionsamong other key topics. 

The session concluded with an open discussion, providing scholars with an opportunity to reflect on their growth and exchange strategies for success. 

This event marks the beginning of a year-long initiative designed to empower and support Excellence Scholarship recipients in achieving their full potential. 

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