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Education Kalon Meets with the Secretary of CBSE

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On her return to India after concluding a successful one-week official tour of Japan, Education Kalon Tharlam Dolma Changramet Shri Himanshu Gupta, IAS, Secretary of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi, in the afternoon of 15 July 2024.

During the meeting, Education Kalon apprised the Secretary of the matter related to seeking special consideration for the affiliation of Gaden Shartse Thoesam Norling Monastic School, Mundgod, under CBSE. She also submitted an official letter regarding the same to the Secretary. The Secretary assured that he would review the applications and supporting documents, and would support in whatever possible way he could. The meeting ended with the offering of a Manjushri Statue along with a traditional scarf as a token of thanks to the Secretary on behalf of Gaden Shartse Monastery.

Earlier in the morning, Education Kalon had a brief meeting with K. Lakhsminarasimhan, Executive Officer of the Sanskrit Promotion Foundation, Delhi.

In the two meetings held on the day, Education Kalon was accompanied by Mr. Jigmey Tsultrim, Additional Secretary, Chief Representative Officer, South Zone; Mrs. Tsering Yangkyi, Under Secretary, DOE; and Ven. Geshe Lobsang Tsering, Principal and Ven Tenzin Khedup, Office
Secretary of Gaden Shartse Thoesam Norling Monastic School, Mundgod.

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