In celebration of the New Year, which coincides with an auspicious white Wednesday, the Department of Education is pleased to release the 3D children’s animation titled Preparing for Losar (Tibetan…
As Tibetan schools in India conclude their academic year for the winter break, the Department of Education (CTA) launched its leadership workshop for school prefects and captains on 23rd December,…
Tibet House, Delhi, recently marked the 35th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to His Holiness with an inspiring event that brought together dignitaries, scholars, and supporters to reflect on…
The Department of Education organised a Symposium on Comprehensive Counselor Development for school counsellors at the Administration Training & Welfare Society in Dharamshala from 2 to 7 August 2024.
The Terminology Section of the Department of Education organised the 38th Tibetan Terminology Standardising Board meeting from 2 to 7 December 2024 at the department’s conference hall.