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School Leadership Programme for STSS School Leaders Begin


Dharamshala: The Department of Education, CTA in collaboration with Mahattattva is organising a school leadership programme for principals and headteachers of schools under the management of STSS. Developed by the expert team at Mahattattva, this programme comprises eight modules crafted to strengthen and enhance leadership skills. The first four modules will be conducted online, with the subsequent four modules featuring onsite training. Deepti Sawhney, CEO and Founder of Mahattattva is the principal facilitator of the leadership programme with support from Sneha Roy and Stephy K Mathai.

The first module of the leadership programme commenced virtually on 22 August 2023 in which a total number of 34 principals and headteachers participated along with Tenzin Dorjee, Head of Academic Section, DoE and Tenzin Nagdon, Deputy Director of STSS.

The module focused on equipping school leaders with the knowledge and skills required to develop a clear vision and implement an effective plan for a school that prioritises student learning. During the session, participants were thoughtfully organised into smaller groups for Breakout Room Activities. These interactive sessions encouraged school leaders to engage in discussions about shared leadership values and qualities. Furthermore, participants were assigned case studies relevant to various leadership scenarios, which they analysed using a set of guiding questions. To facilitate easy access to resource materials and assignments related to the modules, a Google Classroom has been established.

The upcoming three virtual sessions are scheduled for September 21, October 19, and December 7, 2023. For the final four modules, onsite training will take place in Dharamsala from January 3 to 5, 2024.

The school leadership programme is funded by Global Affairs Canada through Alinea International.

Deepti Sawhney explaining the leadership modules on Google Classroom.

Virtual Session in Progress.

Google Classroom.

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