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Sikyong Award for Academic Accomplishment – 2021

The Department of Education is pleased to announce the Sikyong Award for Academic accomplishment to any Tibetan students who had completed Ph. D in any discipline after August 2020. Each recipient will be given an award money of INR 20, 000 along with a Certificate of Appreciation. The interested applicant must submit the following documents to DOE by August 31st 2021:

  1. Attested Copy of first and last page of applicant’s Green Book.
  2. Attested Copy of Ph.D Certificate
  3. Copy of Ph.D Thesis

Download (PDF, 21KB)

For any Queries, Contact

Sonam Sangmo     [email protected]     

Lodoe Rapsel        [email protected]      Mobile: 9805203182


Department of Education

Central Tibetan Administration

Gangchen Kyishong

Dharamsala – 176215

Distt. Kangra

Himachal Pradesh, India

Ph: 01892 – 222572, 222721, 226695

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] /                                       Posted: August 10th 2021


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