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The Department of Education awarded 320 Undergraduates Scholarship for the year 2021

Dharamshala: The Department of Education is pleased to announce that a total of 320 students are selected as per the scholarship rules and regulations for the 2021 DoE Annual scholarship. The scholarship includes Undergraduate Professional and General Degrees, Diploma and Vocational courses.
The number also includes the unprecedented number of Sikyong Scholarship recipients this year who will be awarded INR 1lac as scholarship and a certificate of appreciation which will be felicitated on Sept 2, Tibetan Democracy Day. Also included are the 53 students from the 2020 batch of Class XII graduates who were also awarded scholarships in special consideration of the pandemic crisis where many students could not join universities that year.
The total number also includes the 20 scholarships reserved for Higher Tibetan Studies at Sarah and 15 scholarships reserved for students from Nepal.
The selected students are requested to submit the acceptance form using this  link.

DOE 2021 annual scholarship was announced this year on April 6, 2021 with a deadline of July 15, 2021. A virtual session for all the Class XII Tibetans students were virtually held with a tutorial detailing the process for filling the DoE 2021 Scholarship application online.

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