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4th CTA Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition-2021


The Department of Education, CTA organized 4th CTA Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition-2021 for children virtually. The main objective of the exhibition is:

  • To identify and nurture inventive and creative talent among students so as to bring out the scientific and mathematical ability of the children.
  • To encourage children to explore every resource to enable them to express and handle objects.
  • To provide freedom to express their own creativity and imagination so that procurement of ready-made exhibits or models could be ruled out.

The theme for CTA Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition-2021 for children is “TECHNOLOGY AND TOYS”, and covers the following sub-themes:

  1. Eco Friendly Material;
  2. Health Hygiene and Cleanliness;
  3. Interactive Software;
  4. Historical Development;
  5. Mathematical Modeling;

23 exhibits prepared by 74 students under the guidance of 18 teachers from 7 schools were submitted to DOE in the month of August 2021. The exhibits were evaluated by 3 evaluators, finally 7 selected exhibits to be recommended for the 48th JNNSMEE – 2021 organized by the NCERT later in the year. The 7 selected exhibits will be screened through the official websites as scheduled below:


THEME: 1. Eco Friendly Material; 2. Health Hygiene and Cleanliness; 3. Interactive Software; 4. Historical Development; 5. Mathematical Modeling;

Mode : Online

S. No Name of school Exhibits Title Tibet TV shuttles on  YouTube and Facebook 11:am YouTube Link
1 TCV Selakui Interactive Bilingual Website 12th October 2021   Click Here…
2 Upper TCV Eco-Friendly Grey Water Filtration Using EM 19th October 2021 Click Here…
3 TCV Selakui HomeMade Air Purifier  26th October 2021 Click Here…
4 STS Bylakuppe Hydroponic Model 2nd November 2021 Click Here…
5 TCV Chautra Waste Water Treatment 9th November 2021 Click Here…
6 TCV Selakui Comparison Between The Two Solar Cookers 16th November 2021 Click Here…
7 Upper TCV Lungs: Our Vital Respiratory Organ 23rd November 2021 Click Here…


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