Workshop for school PETs underway
Physical Education is one of the most neglected part of education in many of the schools across India. By identifying the benefits of providing physical education at schools and necessity of striking a balance between academics and physical fitness, the Department of Education, CTA in collaboration with Tibetan National Sport Association (TNSA), Dharamsala organized Physical Education Teachers (PET) Workshop from 2-8 May, 2016 at TCV Vocational Training Center, Selakui, Dehradun which is underway. The department has encouraged to enroll 24 PET teachers from 21 Tibetan Schools in India and Nepal.
Madam Manjushree S Roy was the Chief Guest of the opening ceremony along with special guest Mr. Tenzin Chokten of Harpertpur Tibetan Settlement, Mr. LhakpaDhondup Director of Vocational Training Center and Mr. TsultrimKalsang Headmaster of TCV School Selakui.
To give a brief overview of the seven-day workshop, the following disciplines will be covering during the program.
Athletics session by Mr. Vivak Sati
3 hours practical and 2 hour theory
Basketball session
2 hour practical and 2 hour theory
Football session by Mr. Joon
2 hour practical and 2 hour theory
Volleyball session
1 hour practical and 1 hour theory
Tibetan Traditional Sports session
1 hour practical and 1 hour theory
Sports Psychology session by M/s Bhawna
2 hour theory
Sports Medicine session by Dr. Danish
1 hour practical and 1 hour theory
Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse session by Madam Manjushree Roy and M/s DechenWangmo Women Empowerment Desk CTA
3 hours theory
Feedback 1 hour
TNSA Talk 1 hour by Mr. KelsangDhondp
Role of PET 1 hour by Madam Manjushree Roy
Mr. KelsangDhondup, Executive Secretary, Tibetan National Sport Association (TNSA) is coordinating this PETs workshop and the same workshop is funded by PRM, USA.