The Department of Education, CTA has conducted four-day Early Grade Reading workshop for Pre-Primary teachers and librarians of TCV School, Ladakh on 25th, 26th, 27th & 31st July, 2022 at TCV Ladakh.
The school’s Director, Mr. Tenzin Rabten & Principal, Mr. Lhundup Namgyal attended both the Opening & closing program of the EGR Workshop. They both stressed on the importance of reading and the need of such workshop for their teachers as the majority of Pre-primary teachers are young and new to their job. The participants are from the TCV Ladakh main school and its branch schools such as Jangthang Hanley, Nyoma, Sumdho, Agling & Menlha. Twenty-three Pre-Primary teachers & four Librarians took part in this EGR Workshop.
The trainer of this EGR Workshop, Sonam Gangsang has covered various topics around the reading such as; the importance of singing poems and telling stories in order to teach Tibetan to pre-primary children in an effective way. They also learnt to write short poems and modify the existing stories according to the needs of the listeners. In story-telling session, all the candidates learnt to identify appropriate stories and tell them in an effective way. Additionally, the teachers learnt how to bring classroom teaching closer to real life experiences so that every pre-school child may draw connections between the two. The participants will develop a fundamental understanding of various components of language and their modernized pedagogy that suits the needs of small children.
The participants also visited the library of SHATSA (NGO) on 27th July, library of Junior Section and Senior Section of TCV Ladakh on 31st July where various activities related to reading and story-telling were performed in the library.
With the successful completion of this EGR Workshop for the Pre-Primary teachers of TCV Ladakh, the Department of Education,CTA completed providing EGR workshop to all the Primary and Pre-Primary teachers of all the schools since the year-2014 except few newly joined teachers.
Early Grade Reading project is being generously funded by USAID.