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Five Exhibits from Tibetan Schools Selected for Virtual Display at 48th JNNSMEE


With the objective to provide a forum for children to pursue their natural curiosity, creativity, innovation and inventiveness, the NCERT has organised Jawaharlal Nehru National Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition (JNNSMEE) every year since 1971. The exhibition is one of the biggest platforms for children from various schools in India to showcase their talents in science and mathematics, and their applications in different areas related to our everyday life. NCERT organises the exhibition in two phases. In the first phase, the children from all schools in the states participate at the State Level Exhibitions. The States then send their selected entries to NCERT for consideration for participation in the National Level Exhibition. In the second or final phase, NCERT organizes the National Level Exhibition: Jawaharlal Nehru National Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition (JNNSMEE) for Children. From the selected entries submitted by the States, NCERT selects the best exhibits for the National Level Exhibition and invites them for the participation at the JNNSMEE. The theme for JNNSMEE-2021 is Technology and Toys. The organization of this exhibition envisages that children and teachers would try to analyze all aspects of human endeavour with a view to identify where and how the new researches and developments in science, mathematics, technology and environment can bring and sustain progress of society leading to improvement of life. 

As per NCERT guidelines, the Department of Education, has been organizing the CTA Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition from year 2017 onwards. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 4th CTA Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition-2021 was organised virtually. Seven best exhibits were submitted by DoE, CTA to NCERT as entries for the National Level Exhibition. From the seven selected entries, NCERT has selected five exhibits to participate in the 48th JNNSMEE to be held virtually from 8 – 11 February, 2022. The Department of Education, CTA congratulates all the participating students who have successfully presented their exhibits, and the teachers for guiding and facilitating them. The videos of the selected exhibits are available at the following JNNSMEE web links:

S.No. Exhibits Title Participating
Guide Teachers School Name NCERT Portal Link
1 Interactive Bilingual Website Sonam Tsering
Tenzin Dorjee
Ms. Ngawang Palmo

Mr. Tenpa Tharchen

TCV Selakui
2 Eco-Friendly Grey Water Filtration Using EM Tenzin Desal
Tenzin Dekey
Tenzin Woeser
Mr. Lhundup Namgyal TCV Upper Dharamsala
3 Hydroponic Model Nawang Lhamo
Sonam Lhamo
Nyima Gyalpo Tsepa
Ms. Gyaltsen Palmo

Mr. Tenzin Wanga

STS Bylakuppe
4 Waste water treatment Sonam Chosphel
Karma Stanzin
Kunchok Denzom
Dawa Choedon
Pema Dorjee
Ms. Lhakpa Dolkar

Mr. Tenzin Dawa

TCV Chauntra
5 Lungs: Our Vital Respiratory Organ Tenzin Monlam
Tenzin Lhamo
Tenzin Palmo
Mr. Lhundup Namgyal TCV Upper Dharamsala
2023 Tibetan Scholarship Program Announcement for India and Nepal
DoE Science Education Officer attended a workshop at NCERT