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Interview result announcement of STSS contractual teaching and non-teaching posts 2021 

The Department of Education, CTA Dharamsala is pleased to announce the result of the selection interview held from 21 – 24 December, 2021 for various contractual teaching and non-teaching posts. The selected candidates will be contacted by the Head Office of Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society (STSS), Dharamsala through phone call or by email. For any queries, the selected candidates are advised to contact the Head Office of STSS through phone call or by email addresses given below. The waiting list shown against each post will be valid for a period of six months from the date of announcement of result. 

Phone: 01892 – 246422 / 246423

E-Mail: [email protected] / [email protected] 

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DoE Kicks Off Positive Parenting Workshop
The Department of Education publishes ten new translated storybooks