Play Activities Manual
Happy Messy Baby
This 30 Play Activities Manual is a part of the Department of Education, CTA’s Tibetan early childhood care and education project. Preparation and development of this book was done in collaboration with Rogpa baby care center based in Dharamsala.
In early years of learning, we do not focus on teaching knowledge like letters or numbers. We focus on experiencing and exploring different things. In this way, babies achieve holistic growth; physical, emotional, ethical, cognitive and social development. All 30 activities here in this book are what Tibetan babies have loved and experienced over the past 15 years at the Rogpa baby care center. Even though we grouped the activities by age, it is important to understand that different babies have different stages of development. You can use the same activity at different ages with a few minor changes. ![](
We recommend that you always give your babies positive gestures and appropriate encouragement when running on activity. Also, provide them with enough space and time to actively engage and lead the activity. Unless it is very dangerous or spoiled behavior, do not forcefully restrain your babies when running the activity. Such actions may lower your baby’s self-confidence and make them passive.
Sometimes the activities may not flow as you planned. It is not a failure and do not be disappointed. It is common for the same activity to change to a different activity depending on the baby’s mood or environment. Remember that babies are growing every day.
No matter how good activities and educational materials are provided, nothing is as important as a caregiver’s warm smile and positive attitude. Babies even notice small changes in your facial expressions easily. Remember that your baby cannot be happy if you are not happy. Last but not the least, always remember to respect our baby even if it does not go your way. There is a reason for babies’ behavior. Knowing what your baby needs is one of the essential virtues of a parent, a caretaker and an educator.
We sincerely hope that you will be able to have fun with babies in your nursery or at home.
You can also read & download the book by clicking this link.