PTA Training of Trainers Held VirtuallyJanuary 23, 2023Dharamshala: The Department of Education (DoE), CTA, as a part of the PTA strengthening program, organised a virtual (more…)
Education Department’s Tibetan Language and Dialectic Workshops in Mundgod ConcludesJanuary 23, 2023Mundgod: The Tibetan language and dialectic workshops for the teachers and students of Sambhota and Selakui schools at (more…)
Department of Education Organise “Gender Sensitisation and Gender Responsive Pedagogy” Virtual WorkshopJanuary 19, 2023Dharamshala: The Department of Education’s Counselling section organised three days virtual workshop on “Gender Sensitisation (more…)
Newly Constructed Metok Day Care Centre at Gangkyi InauguratedJanuary 17, 2023Dharamshala: Education Kalon, Tharlam Dolma inaugurated the newly constructed Metok Day-Care Centre at Gangchen Kyishong (more…)
Education Department Jointly with Drepung Loseling Monastery Organise Tibetan Language and Dialectic Workshops in MundgodJanuary 7, 2023Dharamshala: The Department of Education Jointly with Drepung Loseling Pethub Khangtsen monastery are organising Tibetan language (more…)